Speed up web scraper

Looking at your code, I'd say most of that time is spent in network requests rather than processing the responses. All of the tips @alecxe provides in his answer apply, but I'd suggest the HTTPCACHE_ENABLED setting, since it caches the requests and avoids doing it a second time. It would help on following crawls and even offline development. See more info in the docs: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/downloader-middleware.html#module-scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.httpcache

Here's a collection of things to try:

  • use latest scrapy version (if not using already)
  • check if non-standard middlewares are used
  • turn off logging LOG_ENABLED = False (docs)
  • try yielding an item in a loop instead of collecting items into the items list and returning them
  • use local cache DNS (see this thread)
  • check if this site is using download threshold and limits your download speed (see this thread)
  • log cpu and memory usage during the spider run - see if there are any problems there
  • try run the same spider under scrapyd service
  • see if grequests + lxml will perform better (ask if you need any help with implementing this solution)
  • try running Scrapy on pypy, see Running Scrapy on PyPy

Hope that helps.