Speeding up an iloc solution within a pandas dataframe

A trick to vectorize is to rewrite everything as cumsums.

In [11]: x = df["A"].shift(-1).cumsum().shift().fillna(0)

In [12]: x
2015-01-01     0
2015-01-02    10
2015-01-03    13
2015-01-04    17
Name: A, dtype: float64

In [13]: df["B"].cumsum() - x
2015-01-01    10
2015-01-02     0
2015-01-03    -3
2015-01-04    -7
dtype: float64

In [14]: df["B"].cumsum() - x + 2 * df["A"]
2015-01-01    20
2015-01-02    20
2015-01-03     3
2015-01-04     1
dtype: float64

Note: The first value is a special case so you have to adjust that back to 3.

Recursive things like this can be hard to vectorize. numba usually handles them well - if you need to redistribute your code, cython may be a better choice as it produces regular c-extensions with no extra dependencies.

In [88]: import numba

In [89]: @numba.jit(nopython=True)
    ...: def logic(a, b, c):
    ...:     N = len(a)
    ...:     out = np.zeros((N, 2), dtype=np.int64)
    ...:     for i in range(N):
    ...:         if i == 0:
    ...:             out[i, 0] = b[i]
    ...:             out[i, 1] = c[i]
    ...:         else:
    ...:             out[i, 0] = out[i-1,0] - a[i]
    ...:             out[i, 1] = out[i-1,0] + a[i]
    ...:     return out

In [90]: logic(df.A.values, df.B.values, df.C.values)
array([[10,  3],
       [ 0, 20],
       [-3,  3],
       [-7,  1]], dtype=int64)

In [91]: df[['A','B']] = logic(df.A.values, df.B.values, df.C.values)

Edit: As shown in the other answers, this problem can actually be vectorized, which you should probably use.