Sharepoint - SPFx(On-Prem) - Property for single choice of Office-IU-Fabric - PeoplePicker
In the office fabric UI, we have a property itemLimit
that you can use to restrict the selection to a single person.
So, you need to modify it as below:
public render(): React.ReactElement<ISPPeoplePickerProps> {
return (
<div className={ css('ms-TextField', {'is-required': this.props.required }) }>
<Label>{ this.props.label }</Label>
onChange={ this._onChangePeoplePicker }
onResolveSuggestions={ this._onFilterChangedPeoplePicker }
getTextFromItem={ (persona: IPersonaProps) => persona.primaryText }
pickerSuggestionsProps={ suggestionProps }
itemLimit={ 1 }
className={ 'ms-PeoplePicker' }
key={ 'normal' } />
This property was added in the version 4.37.0
which was released on 24 Aug 2017. So, ensure that you are using a version that is 4.37.0
or higher.
In your package.json file, ensure that the reference is somewhat as below:
"dependencies": {
//other entries
"office-ui-fabric-react": "^4.37.0",
Reference - Office UI Fabric React
You can use onResolveSuggestions
public render() {
const suggestionProps: IBasePickerSuggestionsProps = {
suggestionsHeaderText: 'Suggested People',
noResultsFoundText: 'No results found',
loadingText: 'Loading'
return <CompactPeoplePicker
getTextFromItem={(persona: IPersonaProps) => persona.primaryText}
className={`class_name ${this.props.className}`}
onChange={(items) => this.onChangeItems(items)}
onFilterChanged(filterText: string, currentPersonas: IPersonaProps[], limitResults?: number) {
var self = this;
if (filterText && currentPersonas.length < 1) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.getUsersByFilter(filterText + "*").then((usersResult: any) => {
var d = usersResult.d.query;
var us;
if (d.PrimaryQueryResult && d.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults) {
us =, id) => {
var elem = this.parseSearchResults(el.Cells.results, ["PreferredName", "PictureURL", "Title", "SipAddress", "WorkEmail", "JobTitle", "WorkPhone", "MobilePhone", "Path", "BaseOfficeLocation", "OfficeNumber"]);
return elem;
var usersArray = => {
return {
imageUrl: `/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=S&username=${encodeURIComponent(el["WorkEmail"])}`,
path: el["Path"],
primaryText: el["PreferredName"],
secondaryText: el["WorkEmail"],
email: el["WorkEmail"],
officeLocation: el["BaseOfficeLocation"],
officeNumber: el["OfficeNumber"]
} as IPersonaProps
}).catch((ex) => {
} else {
return [];
Ref: PeoplePicker Office UI Fabric