Sphinx inline code highlight

When a sphinx theme has static/pygments.css -- then the file is not overwritten. So I just keep the file which contains both short and long names (which I obtained using regexp in emacs):

.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
/* .highlight  { background: #eeffcc; } */
.highlight .c { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* comment */
.highlight .comment { color: #408090; font-style: italic }
.highlight .err { border: 1px solid #ff0000 } /* error */
.highlight .error { border: 1px solid #ff0000 }
.highlight .k { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* keyword */
.highlight .keyword { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .o { color: #666666 } /* operator */
.highlight .operator { color: #666666 }
.highlight .cm { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* comment.multiline */
.highlight .comment.multiline { color: #408090; font-style: italic }
.highlight .cp { color: #007020 } /* comment.preproc */
.highlight .comment.preproc { color: #007020 }
.highlight .c1 { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* comment.single */
.highlight .comment.single { color: #408090; font-style: italic }
.highlight .cs { color: #408090; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* comment.special */
.highlight .comment.special { color: #408090; background-color: #fff0f0 }
.highlight .gd { color: #a00000 } /* generic.deleted */
.highlight .generic.deleted { color: #a00000 }
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* generic.emph */
.highlight .generic.emph { font-style: italic }
.highlight .gr { color: #ff0000 } /* generic.error */
.highlight .generic.error { color: #ff0000 }
.highlight .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* generic.heading */
.highlight .generic.heading { color: #000080; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .gi { color: #00a000 } /* generic.inserted */
.highlight .generic.inserted { color: #00a000 }
.highlight .go { color: #333333 } /* generic.output */
.highlight .generic.output { color: #333333 }
.highlight .gp { color: #c65d09; font-weight: bold } /* generic.prompt */
.highlight .generic.prompt { color: #c65d09; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* generic.strong */
.highlight .generic.strong { font-weight: bold }
.highlight .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* generic.subheading */
.highlight .generic.subheading { color: #800080; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .gt { color: #0044dd } /* generic.traceback */
.highlight .generic.traceback { color: #0044dd }
.highlight .kc { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* keyword.constant */
.highlight .keyword.constant { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .kd { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* keyword.declaration */
.highlight .keyword.declaration { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .kn { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* keyword.namespace */
.highlight .keyword.namespace { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .kp { color: #007020 } /* keyword.pseudo */
.highlight .keyword.pseudo { color: #007020 }
.highlight .kr { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* keyword.reserved */
.highlight .keyword.reserved { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .kt { color: #902000 } /* keyword.type */
.highlight .keyword.type { color: #902000 }
.highlight .m { color: #208050 } /* literal.number */
.highlight .literal.number { color: #208050 }
.highlight .s { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string */
.highlight .literal.string { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .na { color: #4070a0 } /* name.attribute */
.highlight .name.attribute { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .nb { color: #007020 } /* name.builtin */
.highlight .name.builtin { color: #007020 }
.highlight .nc { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* name.class */
.highlight .name.class { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .no { color: #60add5 } /* name.constant */
.highlight .name.constant { color: #60add5 }
.highlight .nd { color: #555555; font-weight: bold } /* name.decorator */
.highlight .name.decorator { color: #555555; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .ni { color: #d55537; font-weight: bold } /* name.entity */
.highlight .name.entity { color: #d55537; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .ne { color: #007020 } /* name.exception */
.highlight .name.exception { color: #007020 }
.highlight .nf { color: #06287e } /* name.function */
.highlight .name.function { color: #06287e }
.highlight .nl { color: #002070; font-weight: bold } /* name.label */
.highlight .name.label { color: #002070; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .nn { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* name.namespace */
.highlight .name.namespace { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .nt { color: #062873; font-weight: bold } /* name.tag */
.highlight .name.tag { color: #062873; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .nv { color: #bb60d5 } /* name.variable */
.highlight .name.variable { color: #bb60d5 }
.highlight .ow { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* operator.word */
.highlight .operator.word { color: #007020; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* text.whitespace */
.highlight .text.whitespace { color: #bbbbbb }
.highlight .mf { color: #208050 } /* literal.number.float */
.highlight .literal.number.float { color: #208050 }
.highlight .mh { color: #208050 } /* literal.number.hex */
.highlight .literal.number.hex { color: #208050 }
.highlight .mi { color: #208050 } /* literal.number.integer */
.highlight .literal.number.integer { color: #208050 }
.highlight .mo { color: #208050 } /* literal.number.oct */
.highlight .literal.number.oct { color: #208050 }
.highlight .sb { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string.backtick */
.highlight .literal.string.backtick { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .sc { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string.char */
.highlight .literal.string.char { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .sd { color: #4070a0; font-style: italic } /* literal.string.doc */
.highlight .literal.string.doc { color: #4070a0; font-style: italic }
.highlight .s2 { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string.double */
.highlight .literal.string.double { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .se { color: #4070a0; font-weight: bold } /* literal.string.escape */
.highlight .literal.string.escape { color: #4070a0; font-weight: bold }
.highlight .sh { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string.heredoc */
.highlight .literal.string.heredoc { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .si { color: #70a0d0; font-style: italic } /* literal.string.interpol */
.highlight .literal.string.interpol { color: #70a0d0; font-style: italic }
.highlight .sx { color: #c65d09 } /* literal.string.other */
.highlight .literal.string.other { color: #c65d09 }
.highlight .sr { color: #235388 } /* literal.string.regex */
.highlight .literal.string.regex { color: #235388 }
.highlight .s1 { color: #4070a0 } /* literal.string.single */
.highlight .literal.string.single { color: #4070a0 }
.highlight .ss { color: #517918 } /* literal.string.symbol */
.highlight .literal.string.symbol { color: #517918 }
.highlight .bp { color: #007020 } /* name.builtin.pseudo */
.highlight .name.builtin.pseudo { color: #007020 }
.highlight .vc { color: #bb60d5 } /* name.variable.class */
.highlight .name.variable.class { color: #bb60d5 }
.highlight .vg { color: #bb60d5 } /* name.variable.global */
.highlight .name.variable.global { color: #bb60d5 }
.highlight .vi { color: #bb60d5 } /* name.variable.instance */
.highlight .name.variable.instance { color: #bb60d5 }
.highlight .il { color: #208050 } /* literal.number.integer.long */
.highlight .literal.number.integer.long { color: #208050 }

I run into another issue -- I'm using bootstrap theme, and it defines label too...

syntax_highlight is an ordinary docutils setting, which can be set in docutils.conf. This file is respected by Sphinx too, if placed in the Sphinx's configuration directory (where conf.py resides):

[restructuredtext parser]
syntax_highlight = short

This is much better than patching docutils or sphinx code or creating a long name CSS file.

OK I used this workaround: I generate a css file that contains both short and long names. I'm still interested in the "good" answer.

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Generate a css file thanks to pygments that will contain both short
and long class names."""

import subprocess
import sys

PYGMENTIZE = 'pygmentize'

def parse_command_line():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--style', default='colorful')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', default='.highlight')
    return parser.parse_args()

def pygmentize(style, prefix='.highlight'):
    cmd = '{0} -f html -S {1} -a {2}'.format(PYGMENTIZE, style, prefix)
    # This will fail if pygmentize does not exist.
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    except OSError:
        print >> sys.stderr, '{0}: command not found'.format(PYGMENTIZE)

    out, err = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode != 0:
    return out

def main():
    args = parse_command_line()
    style = args.style
    prefix = args.prefix

    # Print new css header.
    header = """\
 * This is pygment css style {0} generated with
 *     {1}
 */""".format(style, ' '.join(sys.argv))
    print header

    # Parse pygmentize output.
    # Find long names based on comments.
    content = pygmentize(style, prefix)
    s = content.splitlines()
    out = ''
    for line in s:
        start = line.find("/* ") + 3
        end = line.find(" */")
        # if line has a comment
        if start != 2:
            comment = line[start:end]
            name = '.' + comment.lower()
            arg = line[line.find('{ '): start - 4]
            out += '%(prefix)s %(name)s %(arg)s\n' % vars()

    print content
    print out

if __name__ == '__main__':

Found a better (sphinx-only) solution: in sphinx/builders/html.py find a line

from docutils.core import Publisher

and change it to:

from docutils.core import Publisher
def process_programmatic_settings(self, settings_spec,
    if self.settings is None:
        defaults = (settings_overrides or {}).copy()
        # Propagate exceptions by default when used programmatically:
        defaults.setdefault('traceback', True)
        defaults.setdefault('syntax_highlight', 'short') # ADDED THIS LINE
Publisher.process_programmatic_settings = process_programmatic_settings

This solution is better then previous ones: since it doesn't double the amount of css rules, and doesn't modify docutils.

Still, ideal solution would only change conf.py. So there's a plenty space for improvement.