Split a list into sublists based on a condition with Stream api

If you want to do it in a single Stream operation, you need a custom collector:

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(10, -2, 23, 5, -11, 287, 5, -99);

List<List<Integer>> result = list.stream().collect(
    () -> Arrays.asList(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()),
    (l,i) -> { l.get(0).add(Math.max(0, i)); l.get(1).add(Math.min(0, i)); },
    (a,b) -> { a.get(0).addAll(b.get(0)); a.get(1).addAll(b.get(1)); });


Since Java 12 it can be done very simple by using Collectors::teeing:

var divided = List.of(10, -2, 23, 5, -11, 287, 5, -99)
                    Collectors.mapping(i -> Math.max(0, i), Collectors.toList()),
                    Collectors.mapping(i -> Math.min(0, i), Collectors.toList()),

Map<Boolean, List<Integer>> results=
  List1.stream().collect(Collectors.partitioningBy( n -> n < 0));

I think that this one is prettier and easy to read. (You can then get the negative and non-negative list from the map.)