Split camelCase word into words with php preg_match (Regular Expression)
You can use preg_split
$arr = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/',$str);
See it
I'm basically splitting the input string just before the uppercase letter. The regex used (?=[A-Z])
matches the point just before a uppercase letter.
You can also use preg_match_all
( - Start of capturing parenthesis.
(?: - Start of non-capturing parenthesis.
^ - Start anchor.
| - Alternation.
[A-Z] - Any one capital letter.
) - End of non-capturing parenthesis.
[a-z]+ - one ore more lowercase letter.
) - End of capturing parenthesis.
I know that this is an old question with an accepted answer, but IMHO there is a better solution:
<?php // test.php Rev:20140412_0800
$ccWord = 'NewNASAModule';
$re = '/(?#! splitCamelCase Rev:20140412)
# Split camelCase "words". Two global alternatives. Either g1of2:
(?<=[a-z]) # Position is after a lowercase,
(?=[A-Z]) # and before an uppercase letter.
| (?<=[A-Z]) # Or g2of2; Position is after uppercase,
(?=[A-Z][a-z]) # and before upper-then-lower case.
$a = preg_split($re, $ccWord);
$count = count($a);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
printf("Word %d of %d = \"%s\"\n",
$i + 1, $count, $a[$i]);
Note that this regex, (like codaddict's '/(?=[A-Z])/'
solution - which works like a charm for well formed camelCase words), matches only a position within the string and consumes no text at all. This solution has the additional benefit that it also works correctly for not-so-well-formed pseudo-camelcase words such as: StartsWithCap
and: hasConsecutiveCAPS
Word 1 of 4 = "one"
Word 2 of 4 = "Two"
Word 3 of 4 = "Three"
Word 4 of 4 = "Four"
Word 1 of 3 = "Starts"
Word 2 of 3 = "With"
Word 3 of 3 = "Cap"
Word 1 of 3 = "has"
Word 2 of 3 = "Consecutive"
Word 3 of 3 = "CAPS"
Word 1 of 3 = "New"
Word 2 of 3 = "NASA"
Word 3 of 3 = "Module"
Edited: 2014-04-12: Modified regex, script and test data to correctly split: "NewNASAModule"
case (in response to rr's comment).