split file into N pieces with same name but different target directories


# assuming the file is in the same folder as the script
# assuming the folder called "output" is in the same folder
# as the script and there are folders that have the patter
# prog01 prog02 ... prog30
# create that with mkdir output/prog{01..30} 


# split 
# -n -> 30 files
# $OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT -> should start with this pattern
# --numeric-suffixes=1 -> end of file name should start from 01 
split -n 30 $INPUT $OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT --numeric-suffixes=1

# move all files to their repective directories
for i in {01..30} 
    mv $OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT$i $OUTPUT_FOLDER/prog$i/myfile.txt

echo "done :)"


The split command is more than enough for this task. However the solution here requires you to make your folder names start from prog01 and not prog1

The awk only solution (N here equals 30 files):

awk 'BEGIN{ cmd="wc -l <sourcefile.txt"; cmd|getline l; l=int((l+29)/30); close(cmd) } 
    NR%l==1{trgt=sprintf("prog%d",((++c)))}{print >trgt"/myfile.txt"}' sourcefile.txt

Or let shell run and return the number of lines in sourcefile.txt and pass to awk as suggested by jthill.

awk 'NR%l==1{trgt=sprintf("prog%d",((++c)))}{print >trgt"/myfile.txt"}' 
    l=$(( ($(wc -l <sourcefile.txt)+29)/30 )) sourcefile.txt

split + bash solution:

lines=$(echo "t=$(wc -l ./sourcefile.txt | cut -d' ' -f1); d=30; if(t%d) t/d+1 else t/d" | bc)
split -l $lines ./sourcefile.txt "myfile.txt" --numeric-suffixes=1

for f in myfile.txt[0-9]*; do 
    dir_n="prog"$(printf "%d" "${f#*txt}")  # constructing directory name
    mv "$f" "$dir_n/myfile.txt"

Assuming that you already have folders called prog1 to prog30 (as you mentioned)

  • lines - contains the integer number of lines per output file

    • t - total number of lines of file ./sourcefile.txt
    • d=30 is a divider
  • --numeric-suffixes=1 - split's option, tells to use numeric suffixes starting at 1