Split string using rules
Python 2, 92 90 88 87 86 85 bytes
for w in input().split():L=w[:5]<w;x=n+L<3;r+='| '[x]+w;n=n*x-~L
print r[1:]
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-1 byte, thanks to Kevin Cruijssen
Perl 5, 47 bytes
seems regex can be shorten with this equivalent one
s/(\w{1,5} ){3}|\w{6,} (?=\w{6})|\w+ \w+ /$&
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Previous regex
Perl 5, 86 bytes
s/(\w{1,5} ){3}|((\w{1,5} ){2}|\w{6,} )(?=\w{6})|\w{6,} \w{1,5} |\w{1,5} \w{6,} /$&
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Not valid:
Perl 5 (-M5.01
), 9 bytes
say for@F
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Jelly, 23 bytes
A full-program printing the result.
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Given the lengths of three words (a
, b
, and c
) we can write the following mapping for how many word we should take:
a<6? b<6? c<6? words
1 1 1 3
1 1 0 2
1 0 1 2
1 0 0 2
0 1 1 2
0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1
Treating the comparisons as a single number in binary this is:
bin([a<6,b<6,c<6]): 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
words: 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
So we can map like so:
bin([a<6,b<6,c<6]): 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
add eight: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
divide by five: 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
Note that when less than three words remain we want to take all of them, unless there are two left and they are both of length six or more when case C
says to take one word. To make this the case we repeat what we have up to length three (with ṁ3
instead of ḣ3
) and use that.
a<6? b<6? moulded bin + 8 div 5 (= words)
1 111 7 15 3 (i.e. all 1)
0 000 0 8 2 (i.e. all 1)
1 1 111 7 15 3 (i.e. all 2)
1 0 101 5 13 2 (i.e. all 2)
0 1 010 2 10 2 (i.e. all 2)
0 0 (i.e. C) 000 0 8 1 (i.e. just 1)
The code then works as follows.
ḲµẈṁ3<6Ḅ+8:5⁸sḢKṄȧƲẎµ¹¿ - Main Link: list of characters
Ḳ - split at spaces
¿ - while...
¹ - ...condition: identity (i.e. while there are still words)
µ µ - ...do: the monadic chain:
Ẉ - length of each
3 - literal three
ṁ - mould like ([1,2,3])
6 - literal six
< - less than? (vectorises)
Ḅ - from binary to integer
8 - literal eight
+ - add
5 - literal five
: - integer divide
⁸ - chain's left argument
s - split into chunks (of that length)
Ʋ - last four links as a monad (f(x)):
Ḣ - head (alters x too)
K - join with spaces
Ṅ - print & yield
ȧ - logical AND (with altered x)
Ẏ - tighten (back to a list of words)