Splitting gzipped logfiles without storing the ungzipped splits on disk

A script like the following might suffice.

use PerlIO::gzip;

$filename = 'out';
$limit = 500000;

$fileno = 1;
$line = 0;

while (<>) {
    if (!$fh || $line >= $limit) { 
        open $fh, '>:gzip', "$filename_$fileno"; 
        $line = 0; 
    print $fh $_; $line++;

You can use the split --filter option as explained in the manual e.g.

zcat biglogfile.gz | split -l500000 --filter='gzip > $FILE.gz'

Edit: not aware when --filter option was introduced but according to comments, it is not working in core utils 8.4.