spread and rest operator code example
Example 1: spread and rest javascript
var myName = ["Marina" , "Magdy" , "Shafiq"];var newArr = [...myName ,"FrontEnd" , 24];console.log(newArr) ;
Example 2: spread operator in javascript
let numList = [1,2,3];
let numListClone = [...numList];
let animal = {
name: 'dog',
color: 'brown',
age: 7
let { age, ...otherProperties } = animal;
function sum(x, y, ...rest) {}
let numLists = [...numList1, ...numList2];
let animalWithBreed = {
breed: '',
Example 3: spread and rest javascript
var myName = ["Marina" , "Magdy" , "Shafiq"] ;const [firstName , ...familyName] = myName ;console.log(firstName);
Example 4: how to assign an rest operator in javascript
function multiply(multiplier, ...theArgs) {
return theArgs.map(element => {
return multiplier * element
let arr = multiply(2, 1, 2, 3)
Example 5: spread and rest operator javascript
function myData(...args){console.log(args) ;