'Spread' parameters in Scala?
Passing off a list as a tuple is not easy, because the types don't match very well (more on this later). With enough shoehorning and lubricating anything fits though:
"My hack" should {
"allow a function to be called with Lists" in {
def function(bar:String, baz:String)= bar+baz
//turn the function into something that accepts a tuple
val functionT = function _
val functionTT = functionT.tupled
val arguments = List("bar", "baz")
//Give the compiler a way to try and turn a list into a tuple of the size you need
implicit def listToTuple(args:List[String]) = args match {
case List(a, b) => (a, b)
case _ => throw IllegalArgumentException("Trying to pass off %s as a pair".format(args))
//Shove it in and hope for the best at runtime
val applied = functionTT(arguments)
applied === "barbaz"
You can extend this approach by adding the additional arguments to the list, or by Schönfinkeling the arguments in two different groups. I wouldn't go that way.
From my remarks you might have noticed that I don't like the design that causes this question to pop up. The code I showed is essentially code that is wrapping the function in a facade anyway. Why not do it properly?
Looking at Spray you might see that their complete method accepts a ton of different parameters implicitly. The nifty trick they've used for this they've named the Magnet Pattern. You could do the same thing and introduce implicit conversions to your magnet for different tuples you choose to accept.
I think you would have to throw type safety away and resort to using reflection.
scala> object Foo {
| def doFoo(i:Int, s:String) = println(s * i)
| }
defined module Foo
scala> val fooFunc = Foo.doFoo _
fooFunc: (Int, String) => Unit = <function2>
scala> val applyMeth = fooFunc.getClass.getMethods()(0)
applyMeth: java.lang.reflect.Method = public final void $anonfun$1.apply(int,java.lang.String)
scala> val i:Integer = 5
i: Integer = 5
scala> val seq = Seq[Object](i,"do the foo! ")
seq: Seq[Object] = List(5, "do the foo! ")
scala> applyMeth.invoke(fooFunc, seq :_*)
do the foo! do the foo! do the foo! do the foo! do the foo!
res59: Object = null
However, unless you are creating some DSL and realy need this kind of feature, I'd try to find another way. Either overload the methods if it's under your control or wrapp it in some facade kind of class.
To answere Rubistro's questions in the comments.
a) How would this technique work to call foo.doFoo? (That is, you have no object -- just an instance of a class that defines doFoo.)
val fooFunc
is an instance of a Function2
it is that instance apply function that gets called when invoking applyMeth.invoke(fooFunc, seq :_*)
b) does this method allow parameters to be passed to doFoo before and after the values in seq?
Not directly. To use this you would have to build your sequence before invoking the method. However, since it's a Sequence you could easily prepend/append values to the sequence you are using before invoking the method. Wrapping it up in a builder might be usefull e.g.
class InvokationBuilder(meth:java.lang.reflect.Method, args: List[Object] = Nil) {
def invoke(instance:Object) = meth.invoke(instance, args.toSeq :_*)
def append(arg:Object) = new InvokationBuilder(meth, args :+ arg)
def prepend(arg:Object)= new InvokationBuilder(meth, arg :: args)