Spring @Autowired on a class new instance

Spring itself offers some functionality for doing auto-wiring in your objects which you created by new or newInstance() or whatever.

To use it you need an AutowireCapableBeanFactory which you get by Spring's normal dependency injection with @Autowired.

private  AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory;

Then you use its autowireBean(Object) method to inject the @Autowired properties into your bean.

Object myBean = map.get(className).newInstance();

Design note:

Think well if you really need the approach above. The javadoc of AutowireCapableBeanFactory advises against using this interface for most use-cases:

This subinterface of BeanFactory is not meant to be used in normal application code: stick to BeanFactory or ListableBeanFactory for typical use cases.

Integration code for other frameworks can leverage this interface to wire and populate existing bean instances that Spring does not control the lifecycle of. This is particularly useful for WebWork Actions and Tapestry Page objects, for example.

You can use Factory Design Pattern over here.

This might seem a little complicated in start but I am sure you will love it after you have implemented it.


  1. Add @Component on all implementations of AbstractClass.
  2. Create a factory class as:

    public class MyFactory {
        private final Map<String, AbstractClass> impletationMap = new HashMap<>();
        ApplicationContext context;
        public void initialize() {
        private void populateDataMapperMap(final Iterator<AbstractClass> classIterator) {
            while (classIterator.hasNext()) {
                AbstractClass abstractClassImpl = (AbstractClass) classIterator.next();
                impletationMap.put(abstractClassImpl.getClass().getName(), abstractClassImpl);

When the Bean of this MyFactory class is initialized, then it will lookup for all beans of type AbstractClass and put them in the HashMap(implementationMap).

Now from this factory you can get the HashMap and then get the implementations as and when you require. It will be very easy when you add new implementation of AbstractClass as factory will take care of it.