Spring Boot - Encrypt JSON data

You can write your own http message converter. Since you are using spring boot it would be quite easy: just extend your custom converter from AbstractHttpMessageConverter and mark the class with @Component annotation.

From spring docs:

You can contribute additional converters by simply adding beans of that type in a Spring Boot context. If a bean you add is of a type that would have been included by default anyway (like MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter for JSON conversions) then it will replace the default value.

And here is a simple example:

public class Converter extends AbstractHttpMessageConverter<Object> {

    public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public Converter(){
            new MediaType("application", "*+json", DEFAULT_CHARSET));

    protected boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
        return true;

    protected Object readInternal(Class<? extends Object> clazz,
                                  HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException {
        return objectMapper.readValue(decrypt(inputMessage.getBody()), clazz);

    protected void writeInternal(Object o, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

    private InputStream decrypt(InputStream inputStream){
        // do your decryption here 
        return inputStream;

    private byte[] encrypt(byte[] bytesToEncrypt){
        // do your encryption here 
        return bytesToEncrypt;