Spring Boot + IntelliJ + Embedded Database = Headache
To add to what heenenee mentioned above. If you dont specify AUTO_SERVER only one connection will be permitted to your H2 instance.
I am using spring-boot with spring-data-jpa. Make sure you have @Entity declared for your entities that represent each table(s).
Following is my application.yml / application.properties
jdbc:h2:file:/Users/blah[![enter image description here][1]][1]/db/vlad4;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
spring.datasource.username: sa
ddl-auto: create #will create schema based on entities
show-sql: true
Start your application and import some data into it. Spring boot will automatically import your data if you have import.sql in the classpath ex: /src/main/resources/import.sql
Configure you IntelliJ like so
If you are not using IntelliJ download the server/client combo @ http://www.h2database.com/html/download.html extract it and start the browser-based client using:
h2/bin: java -cp h2*.jar org.h2.tools.Server
Connect to your imbedded database by specifying the connection string:
H2 Automatic Mixed Mode should be fine for you. Use jdbc:h2:~/mydbInHomeDir;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
as your spring.datasource.url
. In IntelliJ, create a remote H2 data source and use the exact same JDBC URL. You may have to explicitly press the Synchronize button in the IntelliJ Database window to get the database tables to show up.