Spring Couldn't autowired,there is more than one bean of `` type

Spring is confused between the 2 beans you have declared in you configuration class so you can use @Qualifier annotation along with @Autowired to remove the confusion by specifying which exact bean will be wired, apply these modifications on your configuration class

public class SpringConfig {
    public BaseInterface clazzImplA(){
        return new ClazzImplA();

    public BaseInterface clazzImplB(){
        return new ClazzImplB();

then at @autowired annotation

public class AutowiredClazz {
    @Qualifier("the name of the desired bean")
    private BaseInterface baseInterface;

    private AutowiredClazz(BaseInterface baseInterface){
        this.baseInterface = baseInterface;

This can not be solved by using spring framework only. You mentioned that based on some logic you need a instance of BaseInterface. This use case can be solved using Factory Pattern. Create A Bean which is actually a factory for BaseInterface

public class BaseInterfaceFactory{

  private BaseInterface baseInterfaceA;

  private BaseInterface baseInterfaceB;

  public BaseInterface getInstance(parameters which will decides what type of instance you want){
    // your logic to choose Instance A or Instance B
    return baseInterfaceA or baseInterfaceB


Configuration (Shamelessly copied from another comment)

public class SpringConfig {
    public BaseInterface clazzImplA(){
        return new ClazzImplA();

    public BaseInterface clazzImplB(){
        return new ClazzImplB();

Service class

public class AutowiredClazz {
    private BaseInterfaceFactory factory;

    public void someMethod(){
       BaseInterface a = factory.getInstance(some parameters);
       // do whatever with instance a


