spring-data-elasticsearch - registering custom analyser

I guess you need to remove the field "settings": from json file and put only the content .

Instead of using :

"settings": {

Just use :

"index": {
"number_of_shards": 1,
"analysis": {
  "filter": {
    "autocomplete_filter": {
      "type": "edge_ngram",
      "min_gram": 1,
      "max_gram": 20
  "analyzer": {
    "autocomplete": {
      "type": "custom",
      "tokenizer": "standard",
      "filter": [

Hope it helps you..


After some research I've discovered the problem was caused by this declaration:

public ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchTemplate(Client client) {
    return new ElasticsearchTemplate(client, new CustomEntityMapper());

I removed this declaration and it began get the configuration.