Spring-Data-JPA with QueryDslPredicateExecutor and Joining into a collection

In order to perform more complex queries I've created my custom QueryDslRepository with support of JPQL queries and spring data JPA pagination.


public interface QueryDslRepository<T> {

    Page<T> findAll(JPQLQuery<T> jpqlQuery, Pageable pageable);



public class QueryDslRepositoryImpl<T> implements QueryDslRepository<T> {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public Page<T> findAll(JPQLQuery jpqlQuery, Pageable pageable) {
        Assert.notNull(jpqlQuery, "JPQLQuery must not be null!");
        Assert.notNull(pageable, "Pageable must not be null!");

        Querydsl querydsl = new Querydsl(entityManager, new PathBuilderFactory()

        JPQLQuery<T> countQuery = ((AbstractJPAQuery) jpqlQuery).clone(entityManager);
        AbstractJPAQuery query = (AbstractJPAQuery) querydsl.applyPagination(pageable, jpqlQuery);
        return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(
                  // Clone query in order to provide entity manager instance.


Example of use:

public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long>, QueryDslRepository<Customer>,
        QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Customer> {


Actual repository invocation:

 BooleanBuilder predicates = new BooleanBuilder();
 predicates = predicates.and(QCustomer.customer.active.eq(true));

 JPQLQuery<Customer> q = new JPAQuery<Customer>()
            // You can use .join() method here.

 Page<Customer> result = customerRepository.findAll(q, Pageable.unpaged());

You can't directly join a column in a predicate but you can create an any() expressions like this


This approach has the restriction that the join expression QPerson.person.attributes.any() can be used in only one filter. It has though the benefit that this expression is internally converted into a subquery which doesn't conflict with paging.

For multiple restrictions you will need to construct a subquery expression explicitly like this

QPersonAttribute attribute = QPersonAttribute.personAttribute;
new JPASubQuery().from(attribute)
           attribute.attributeName().name.toLowerCase().eq("eye color"),

In addition to QueryDslPredicateExecutor you can also use Querydsl queries via Spring Data like this

public class CustomerRepositoryImpl
 extends QuerydslRepositorySupport
 implements CustomerRepositoryCustom {

    public Iterable<Customer> findAllLongtermCustomersWithBirthday() {
        QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;
        return from(customer)

Example taken from here https://blog.42.nl/articles/spring-data-jpa-with-querydsl-repositories-made-easy/