django make necessary database in a different database code example
Example 1: django creating database
# --------------- Start with databases in Django ------------------ #
In your virtual environment, where your Django project lives,
use the following commands:
# Migrations are Django’s way of propagating changes you make to
# your models (adding a field, deleting a model, etc.) into your
# database schema.
>> python3 makemigrations
# If used for the first time, it creates a standard user model
# (a table for saving information about users). Otherwise, it updates
# the database with the new information in the folder "migrations"
# (responsible for applying and unapplying migrations):
>> python3 migrate
# For printing the SQL code that is going to run:
>> python3 sqlmigrate "name_app" "code_of_specific_object"
# for example: python3 sqlmigrate app 0001
# Run a Django + python shell for working/testing with models:
>> python3 shell
Example 2: how to store the database in the django
>>> Person.objects.raw('''SELECT first AS first_name,
... last AS last_name,
... bd AS birth_date,
... pk AS id,
... FROM some_other_table''')