how to find difference between two dates in postgresql code example

Example 1: postgresql get difference between two dates

select age('2010-04-01', '2012-03-05'),
       date_part('year',age('2010-04-01', '2012-03-05')),
       date_part('month',age('2010-04-01', '2012-03-05')),
       date_part('day',age('2010-04-01', '2012-03-05'));

Example 2: DATEDIFF minute postgres

-- Difference between Dec 30, 2011 08:54:55 and  Dec 30, 2011 08:56:10 in minutes
  SELECT (DATE_PART('day', '2011-12-30 08:56:10'::timestamp - '2011-12-30 08:54:55'::timestamp) * 24 * 60 + 
               DATE_PART('hour', '2011-12-30 08:56:10'::timestamp - '2011-12-30 08:54:55'::timestamp)) * 60 +
               DATE_PART('minute', '2011-12-30 08:56:10'::timestamp - '2011-12-30 08:54:55'::timestamp);
  -- Result: 1
  -- Time only
  SELECT DATE_PART('hour', '08:56:10'::time - '08:54:55'::time) * 60 +
              DATE_PART('minute', '08:56:10'::time - '08:54:55'::time);
  -- Result: 1


Sql Example