SQL JPA - Multiple columns as primary key

Use @Embeddable and @EmbeddedId.


public class Project implements Serializable {
    @EmbeddedId ProjectId id;
class ProjectId implements Serializable {
    int departmentId;
    long projectId;

More information here http://www.objectdb.com/java/jpa/entity/id#Embedded_Primary_Key_

You need to have a class for your composite key:

public class CompositeKey implements Serializable {
    private int column1;
    private int column2;
    private int column3;

and then in your entity class use the @IdClass annotation:

public class EntityExample {
    private int column1;
    private int column2;
    private int column3;

I think this should work. Hope it helps, cheers!

Yea and there is the other solution, the one that @jklee mentioned, both work, it's a matter of preference.