sql means code example

Example 1: what is sql

SQL stands for:
Structured Query Language

It's language which enables a user to create,
modify and essentially interact with a database.
As a tester we are usually using Data manipulation
language part of SQL

SQL has 2 parts:
It is used to add, retrieve or update the data.
= insert, select, update, delete

It is used to create database schema and can
be used to define some constraints as well.	
=create, alter, drop, truncate

create table
create window etc.

Example 2: whats sql

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It’s the language of choice on today’s web for storing,
manipulating and retrieving data within relational databases. Most, if not all of the websites you visit
will use it in some way.
Using SQL, you are able to interact with the database by writing queries, which when executed,
return any results which meet its criteria.

Example 3: how do you use sql

Our web application uses Oracle database and 
I normally write queries to do Data validation. 
For example: 
I create data from UI or I send POST request
from API then I write query to verify that
data was successfully and correctly inserted
into database. Our database consists of
many tables, so most of the time,
I need to write queries that involve joins.

CAN MENTION: Since our application has
large sets of data, data is stored into
Oracle and to another CACHE database. 
I write queries to test data that both are in SYNC(same).