order by desc sql code example

Example 1: order by sql

 SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY columnName DESC;
 // this_for_ascending_order..
SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY columnName ASC;

Example 2: sort by sql

SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY col1 ASC;				-- ASCending is default
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY col1 DESC;			-- DESCending
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY col1 DESC, col2 ASC;	-- col1 DESC then col2 ASC

Example 3: order of sql

SQL order of execution defines the
execution order of clauses.

It starts execution with 
-from  (Choose and join tables to get base data)
after from
-where ( filters base data )
-group by (Aggregates base data)
-having (filters aggregated data)
-select (returns final data)
-order by (sorts the final data)
-limit (limits the returned data to a row count)

Only select and from are mandatory

Example 4: sql order by

Used to sort the result data in ascending (default) or descending order
through the use of ASC or DESC keywords.
Example: Returns countries in alphabetical order.
SELECT * FROM countries
ORDER BY name;

Example 5: order by in sql

ORDER BY: is for sorting result
either in descending or ascending order.

Example 6: sql desc

Used with ORDER BY to return the data in descending order.
Example: Raddish, Peaches, Bananas, Apples


Sql Example