sql programming code example

Example 1: SQL

CREATE TABLE friends (
   id INTEGER,
   name TEXT,
   birthday DATE

INSERT INTO friends (id, name, birthday) 
VALUES (1, 'Jane Doe', '1990-05-30');

INSERT INTO friends(id , name , birthday)
VALUES(2 , 'APOORV' , '2000-2-2');

UPDATE friends
SET name = 'Jane Srivastava'
WHERE id = 1;

ALTER TABLE friends 

UPDATE friends 
SET email =  '203029@klsafjls'
where id  = 1; 

UPDATE friends 
SET email =  '203029@klsafjls'
where id  = 2;

DELETE FROM friends 
WHERE id = 1;

FROM friends;

Example 2: sql

SQL - the standard language to communicate with DBMS.

Example 3: sql

SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing
data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing
in a relational data stream management system.

Example 4: SQL

Dont use SQL it sucks