SQL Server - Enabling FileStream after a DB has been created

From http://brianseekford.com/wordpress/?p=509

If you still get FILESTREAM feature is disabled. check the 'running values' of your server and you'll probably still see it is disabled even if you enabled it.

enter image description here

You can fix it by enabling filestream here too (under Sql configuration manager).

enter image description here

Then you need to run

EXEC sp_configure filestream_access_level, 2


To add FS support to existing database just create a new filegroup, then add the fs file;

alter database YourDatabase
add filegroup fsGroup contains filestream;

alter database YourDatabase
add file
  ( NAME = 'fsYourDatabase', FILENAME = 'c:\<your_file_path>'
to filegroup fsGroup;

More here: BOL Link

And definitely read everything Paul Randal has written about filestream: link


Sql Server