sql query numeric value code example

Example: sql numeric functions

ABS Returns the absolute value of the given number.
ACOS Returns the arc cosine of the given number.
ASIN Returns the arc sine of the given number.
ATAN Returns the arc tangent of one or 2 given numbers.
ATAN2 Return the arc tangent of 2 given numbers.
AVG Returns the average value of the given expression.
CEIL Returns the closest whole number (integer) upwards from a given
decimal point number.
COS Returns the cosine of a given number.
COT Returns the cotangent of a given number.
COUNT Returns the amount of records that are returned by a SELECT query.
DEGREES Converts a radians value to degrees.
DIV Allows you to divide integers.
EXP Returns e to the power of the given number.
FLOOR Returns the closest whole number (integer) downwards from a given
decimal point number.
GREATEST Returns the highest value in a list of arguments.
LEAST Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments.
LN Returns the natural logarithm of the given number
LOG Returns the natural logarithm of the given number, or the logarithm of
the given number to the given base
LOG10 Does the same as LOG, but to base 10.
LOG2 Does the same as LOG, but to base 2.
MAX Returns the highest value from a set of values.
MIN Returns the lowest value from a set of values.
MOD Returns the remainder of the given number divided by the other given
PI Returns PI.
POW Returns the value of the given number raised to the power of the other
given number.
POWER Same as POW.
RADIANS Converts a degrees value to radians.
RAND Returns a random number.
ROUND Round the given number to the given amount of decimal places.
SIGN Returns the sign of the given number.
SIN Returns the sine of the given number.
SQRT Returns the square root of the given number.
SUM Returns the value of the given set of values combined.
TAN Returns the tangent of the given number.
TRUNCATE Returns a number truncated to the given number of decimal places.


Sql Example