SQL: Using NULL values vs. default values

Null values are not ... values!

Null means 'has no value' ... beside the database aspect, one important dimension of non valued variables or fields is that it is not possible to use '=' (or '>', '<'), when comparing variables.

Writting something like (VB):

if myFirstValue = mySecondValue

will not return either True or False if one or both of the variables are non-valued. You will have to use a 'turnaround' such as:

if (isnull(myFirstValue) and isNull(mySecondValue)) or myFirstValue = mySecondValue

The 'usual' code used in such circumstances is

if Nz(myFirstValue) = Nz(mySecondValue, defaultValue)

Is not strictly correct, as non-valued variables will be considered as 'equal' to the 'defaultValue' value (usually Zero-length string).

In spite of this unpleasant behaviour, never never never turn on your default values to zero-length string (or '0's) without a valuable reason, and easing value comparison in code is not a valuable reason.

It depends on the situation, but it's really ultimately simple. Which one is closer to the truth?

A lot of people deal with data as though it's just data, and truth doesn't matter. However, whenever you talk to the stakeholders in the data, you find that truth always matters. sometimes more, sometimes less, but it always matters.

A default value is useful when you may presume that if the user (or other data source) had provided a value, the value would have been the default. If this presumption does more harm then good, then NULL is better, even though dealing with NULL is a pain in SQL.

Note that there are three different ways default values can be implemented. First, in the application, before inserting new data. The database never sees the difference between a default value provided by the user or one provided by the app!

Second, by declaring a default value for the column, and leaving the data missing in an insert.

Third, by substituting the default value at retrieval time, whenever a NULL is detected. Only a few DBMS products permit this third mode to be declared in the database.

In an ideal world, data is never missing. If you are developing for the real world, required data will eventually be missing. Your applications can either do something that makes sense or something that doesn't make sense when that happens.

NULL values are meant to indicate that the attribute is either not applicable or unknown. There are religious wars fought over whether they're a good thing or a bad thing but I fall in the "good thing" camp.

They are often necessary to distinguish known values from unknown values in many situations and they make a sentinel value unnecessary for those attributes that don't have a suitable default value.

For example, whilst the default value for a bank balance may be zero, what is the default value for a mobile phone number. You may need to distinguish between "customer has no mobile phone" and "customer's mobile number is not (yet) known" in which case a blank column won't do (and having an extra column to decide whether that column is one or the other is not a good idea).

Default values are simply what the DBMS will put in a column if you don't explicitly specify it.

I don't know why you're even trying to compare these to cases. null means that some column is empty/has no value, while default value gives a column some value when we don't set it directly in query.

Maybe some example will be better explanation. Let's say we've member table. Each member has an ID and username. Optional he might has an e-mail address (but he doesn't have to). Also each member has a postCount column (which is increased every time user write a post). So e-mail column can have a null value (because e-mail is optional), while postCount column is NOT NULL but has default value 0 (because when we create a new member he doesn't have any posts).