sql vs nosql difference code example

Example 1: difference between nosql and sql

SQL						|    NoSQL
  relational			| non-relational
use structured query	| NoSQL databases have 
language and have a		| dynamic schemas for 
predefined schema.		| unstructured data.
are vertically scalable | are horizontally scalable.
are table based			| are document, key-value,
						| graph or wide-column stores.
are better for multi-row| are better for unstructured 
transactions			| data like documents or JSON.

Example 2: sql vs nosql

SQL pronounced as "S-Q-L" or as "See-Quel" is primarily called RDBMS or Relational Databases whereas NoSQL is a Non-relational or Distributed Database.
SQL databases are table based databases whereas NoSQL databases can be document based, key-value pairs, graph databases.
SQL databases are vertically scalable while NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable.
SQL databases have a predefined schema whereas NoSQL databases use dynamic schema for unstructured data.
SQL requires specialized DB hardware for better performance while NoSQL uses commodity hardware.*/

Example 3: sql vs nosql

key differences |
SQL databases are usually RDBMS or DBMS
(Relational DataBase Management Systems) and are table based,
NoSQL uses unstructured data (like graphs)

Examples        |
SQL Databases:
Oracle DB



Sql Example