what crud means code example

Example 1: crud operations meaning

-- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete
INSERT INTO my_table (my_col) VALUES ('Hello');         -- (C)reate
SELECT my_col FROM my_table WHERE my_id = 33;           -- (R)ead
UPDATE my_table SET my_col = 'Holla' WHERE my_id= 33;   -- (U)pdate
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE my_id = 33;                  -- (D)elete

Example 2: crud applications means

Create , Read , Update , Delete
CRUD is an acronym for the four basic types of SQL commands: Create , Read , Update , Delete . Most applications have some kind of CRUD functionality, and we can assume that every programmer had to deal with CRUD at some point. A CRUD application is one that uses forms to get data into and out of a database.

Example 3: crud operations

Create, Read, Update and Delete are the main operations of CRUD.


Sql Example