where count sql code example

Example 1: condition in count sql

select count(case Position when 'Manager' then 1 else null end)
from ...

select sum(case Position when 'Manager' then 1 else 0 end)
from ...

Example 2: sql count

/*COUNT(column_name) will return the number of rows from the column 
that are not NULL*/
SELECT COUNT(column_name)
FROM table_name;

/*COUNT(*) will return the number of rows from the table*/
FROM table_name;

Example 3: sql count where

SELECT count(CASE WHEN gender = 'F' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) women_count,
       count(CASE WHEN gender = 'M' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) men_count
FROM people;

Example 4: To count number of rows in SQL table

SELECT count(*)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'Your_table_nale';

Example 5: how to count number of rows in sql

FROM dbo.bigTransactionHistory;

Example 6: SQL only show where count is great than 1

FROM agents 
HAVING COUNT(*)>1; --count is greater than 1


Sql Example