sql where or where code example

Example 1: where clause in sql

Where clause basically returns only 
true conditions

Select First_Name
From Customers
Where ID = 1905Cimbom;

Example 2: sql where a or b

-- example
SELECT Id, ProductName, UnitPrice, Package
  FROM Product
 WHERE ProductName LIKE 'Cha_' OR ProductName LIKE 'Chan_'

Example 3: sql and

/* AND is a operator that allows you to combine two conditions
Both conditions must be true for the row to b e included in the result set */
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_1 = value_1
AND column_2 = value_2;

Example 4: sql and

Used to join separate conditions within a WHERE clause.
Example: Returns events located in London, United Kingdom
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE host_country='United Kingdom' AND host_

Example 5: SQL Where

Mit WHERE filtert man nach Zeilen aus einer Tabelle, die bestimmte Kriterien
erfüllen. Auf diese Weise kann man die Zeilen auf die Zeilen beschränken, 
an der man interessiert ist. Auf diesen Klausel folgt eine Bedingung, die 
entweder «true» oder «false» zurückgibt.

  FROM customer
  WHERE ID = 10;


Misc Example