Sqlcmd to generate file without dashed line under header, without row count


1) To remove the row count ("(139 rows affected)") you should use SET NOCOUNT ON statement. See ref.

2) To remove column headers you should use -h parameter with value -1. See ref (section Formatting Options).


C:\Users\sqlservr.exe>sqlcmd -S(local)\SQL2012 -d Test -E -h -1 -s, -W -Q "set nocount on; select * from dbo.Account" > d:\export.txt. 


C:\Users\sqlservr.exe>sqlcmd -S(local)\SQL2012 -d Test -E -h -1 -s, -W -Q "set nocount on; select * from dbo.Account" -o "d:\export2.txt"

The guy with the top answer didn't answer how to remove the dashed line. This is my awesome solution.

  1. First include -h -1 which removes both the dashed line and header
  2. Then before your select statement manually inject the header string that you need with a PRINT statement. So in your case PRINT 'acctnum,rptmonth,facilname' select..*...from...

Sorry I'm 4 years and 9 months late.

Use the following;

sqlcmd -S . -d MyDb -E -s, -h-1 -W -Q "set nocount on;select 'account','rptmonth', 'thename';select account,rptmonth, thename from theTable"  
> c:\dataExport.csv
  • remove the header -h-1
  • remove row count [set nocount on;]
  • add header select [select 'account','rptmonth', 'thename';]
  • add your select [select account,rptmonth, thename from theTable;]