SSH Command Execution Hangs, although interactive shell functions fine

We fixed this by adding adding -n (to redirect std in from /dev/null) and -t (force pseudo-tty allocation)


ssh -t -n user@host command

The problem was indeed my login script, although not to do with requiring a terminal (I'd suspected that and tested with the -t and -T options). The problem was that my .bashrc was running an exec (in this case to zsh - because our system doesn't allow chsh to zsh).

The offending line:

test -f /usr/bin/zsh && exec /usr/bin/zsh

Solved by first checking for interactive shell and exiting if so:

[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
test -f /usr/bin/zsh && exec /usr/bin/zsh

So, essentially, because the shell was execing into zsh, ssh was waiting for this to finish - which never happened.

I am a little confused why my .bashrc was being called at all - I thought this was only for interactive shells, but the exact purpose and order of the various init scripts is something I don't think I'll ever learn.

I hope this can be useful to others who have some kind of exec in their startup scripts.

BTW - the other two answers were on the right track so I was completely unsure if I should 'answer' or just comment their answers. If answering my own question is morally wrong on stackoverflow, let me know and I'll do penitence. Thank you to the other answerers.