SSH error in connection to a new Domain

I encountered the same problem.

I think the problem is that the item recorded in the "known-hosts" does not match something of the remote host(sorry, I don't know what the something is).

In my case, I just deleted the item in "known-hosts" according to the IP address of the remote host and ran ssh command again. Then it worked.

I moved my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and retried it worked. I guess the effect will just confirmation prompt for future connections, for the hosts that are there in known_hosts

The answer is in the question:

ssh-keygen -f "/home/.ssh/known_hosts" -R

You will get more info on the first google hit for the big message. WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!

You should remove line 10 from your known_hosts because the system signalized you about the problem Offending key for IP in /home/.ssh/known_hosts:10



Ssh Keys