SSIS Package: convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types

The Oracle data type VARCHAR2 appears to be equivalent to NVARCHAR in SQL Server, or DT_WSTR in SSIS. Reference

You will have to convert using the Data Conversion Transformation, or CAST or CONVERT functions in SQL Server.

If the package works in one machine and doesn't in other; Try setting the NLS_LANG to right language, territory and character set and test the package.

[Command Prompt]> set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1

The easiest way around this to to open the SSIS package in notepad (the dtsx file) and do a global find and replace of all instances of validateExternalMetadata="True" with validateExternalMetadata="False".

note: we encountered this issue when connecting to an Oracle 11g database on Linux through SSIS.