SSRS tablix column CanGrow property for width?

As mentioned here, an easy fix to this issue is to add a row in your tablix and insert a chart to the corresponding column.

Then change its DynamicWidth to an expression like the following =iif(True, "4cm", "2cm") and its DynamicHeight to "0cm".

Chart on tablix to adjust column width

I've been trying to do that myself (client side), without success. There is no property that would autosize the column width.

Check out this workaround: (I haven't tested it)

The best workaround I've found for client side reporting would be to set column's width in code or use multiple columns and show/hide them based on string length condition.

For example, column named AccNum2:

report.DetailSection1.ReportObjects.Item("AccNum2").width = 200

See this thread for details and other ideas:

we can change width dynamically .follow the below steps

step1:add one more column

step2:merge the added columns with original one

step3:add column visibility expression for extra column based on your requirement

still your not getting then see attached picture

The solution from SHOWKATH VALLI worked best for me. An absolute genius idea!

This is how I implemented it:

  1. Create an additional column to the right of the one you need widening
  2. Merge the cells
  3. Click on the column visibility of your new column.

    enter image description here

  4. Hide/show based upon a calculation or in my case a value in my select statement that this is a wide column.

    enter image description here

Here is the expression I created: =IIF(Fields!Static1Wide.Value=0,True,False)