Stable alternative to RXTX

There's a few of them out there now, now that Arduino is pretty popular.

There's Serialio

and PureJavaComm, but it's pretty early on in development from what I can see.

it really depends on what your needs are. RXTX has been ported pretty much everywhere, so it is widely available.

One of the issues of RXTX I faced was the delay closing the port. When checking with setserial the port configuration I discovered a parameter closing_delay=3000. This means that the port closes 3 sec after the close() method was executed. Resetting the closing_delay toany value is ignored by RXTX. RXTX insists in 3sec delay.

the JSSC library performed to our satisfaction

We have moved to java-simple-serial-connector which seems to be very stable and comfortable at the current release 0.9.0. For now, it works on windows and linux systems. We use it for modem interactions.

There's jSerialComm too.

Serial communication in Java is a mess. I've had trouble with jSSC with a virtual usb serial on linux, but with serial-comm it connected.

RXTX is a mess.

At least I think that now this SO question has all of the worth mentioning serial communication java libraries.