Stacking 3D Cubes with Spacing
This is to give you a start. I essentially recycled and slightly modified the code from this answer. With these definition, drawing the vector is as simple as
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3}};
\tikzset{plane/.style n args={3}{insert path={%
#1 -- ++ #2 -- ++ #3 -- ++ ($-1*#2$) -- cycle}},
unit xy plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,1,0)}},
unit xz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
unit yz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(0,1,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0) in
pics/unit cube/.style={code={
\path[get projections];
\draw (0,0,0) -- (1,1,1);
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(1,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,1,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,1)}];
3d cube/.cd,
xy face/.style={fill=blue!10},
xz face/.style={fill=blue!20},
yz face/.style={fill=blue!30},
num cubes x/.estore in=\NumCubesX,
num cubes y/.estore in=\NumCubesY,
num cubes z/.estore in=\NumCubesZ,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y/.initial=1,num cubes z/.initial=1,
cube scale/.initial=0.9,
every face/.style={draw,very thick},
cube array/.style={code={%
\tikzset{3d cube/.cd,#1}
\path[get projections];
\foreach \X in \LstX
{\foreach \Y in \LstY
{\foreach \Z in \LstZ
{\path (\X-\NumCubesX/2-1,\Y-\NumCubesY/2-1,\Z-\NumCubesY/2-1)
pic[scale=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d cube/cube scale}]{unit cube};}}
\tdplotsetmaincoords{60}{200} % the first argument cannot be larger than 90
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,font=\sffamily,3d cube/.cd,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y=1,num cubes z=1]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=first row]
\begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=vector]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3}};
\begin{scope}[xshift=4cm,tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=matrix]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3,num cubes z=3}};
\begin{scope}[xshift=8cm,tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=array]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3,num cubes y=3,num cubes z=3}};
\foreach \X in {vector,matrix,array}
{\node[above] at (\X|-first row.north){\X};}
\begin{scope}[yshift=-5.5cm,local bounding box=data frame,tdplot_main_coords]
\foreach \Col [count=\XX] in {blue,purple,green}
{\path (2-\XX,0,0)pic{cube array={num cubes z=3,
xy face/.style={fill=\Col!10},
xz face/.style={fill=\Col!20},
yz face/.style={fill=\Col!30}}};}
\node[above] (df) at (data frame.north){data frame};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-3.5cm,xshift=5cm,local bounding box=more]
\path foreach \XX in {-1.5,0,1.5}
{(\XX,0,0) pic[tdplot_main_coords,scale=0.4]{cube array={num cubes x=3,cube scale=0.36}}};
\node at (df-|more){more};
You can adjust the view at will.
\tikzset{plane/.style n args={3}{insert path={%
#1 -- ++ #2 -- ++ #3 -- ++ ($-1*#2$) -- cycle}},
unit xy plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,1,0)}},
unit xz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
unit yz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(0,1,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0) in
pics/unit cube/.style={code={
\path[get projections];
\draw (0,0,0) -- (1,1,1);
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(1,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,1,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,1)}];
3d cube/.cd,
xy face/.style={fill=blue!10},
xz face/.style={fill=blue!20},
yz face/.style={fill=blue!30},
num cubes x/.estore in=\NumCubesX,
num cubes y/.estore in=\NumCubesY,
num cubes z/.estore in=\NumCubesZ,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y/.initial=1,num cubes z/.initial=1,
cube scale/.initial=0.9,
every face/.style={draw,very thick},
cube array/.style={code={%
\tikzset{3d cube/.cd,#1}
\path[get projections];
\foreach \X in \LstX
{\foreach \Y in \LstY
{\foreach \Z in \LstZ
{\path (\X-\NumCubesX/2-1,\Y-\NumCubesY/2-1,\Z-\NumCubesY/2-1)
pic[scale=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d cube/cube scale}]{unit cube};}}
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
{\tdplotsetmaincoords{60}{\Angle} % the first argument cannot be larger than 90
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,font=\sffamily,3d cube/.cd,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y=1,num cubes z=1]
\path[use as bounding box] (-3,-3) rectangle (12,4);
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=first row]
\begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=vector]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3}};
\begin{scope}[xshift=4cm,tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=matrix]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3,num cubes z=3}};
\begin{scope}[xshift=8cm,tdplot_main_coords,local bounding box=array]
\path pic{cube array={num cubes x=3,num cubes y=3,num cubes z=3}};
\foreach \X in {vector,matrix,array}
{\node[below] at (\X|-first row.north){\X};}
Run it with pdflatex --shell-escape <file>
\psset{fillstyle=solid,viewpoint=0.6 0.1 0.1,fillcolor=blue!30,linecolor=blue}