Standardised Spatial Information System Vocabulary

The closest thing that I'm aware of is the ESRI GIS dictionary, though of course it's tied to a proprietary software package and company. It's pretty comprehensive though:

an open community version would be excellent though, something like a wiki (could be a good offshoot of this site!)

Here are some additional links:

Spatial Information Clearinghouse

Wiki GIS Glossary

I am not sure you can get a true consensus on all terminology.
For instance:

ESRI Node = point or vertex
Autodesk Node = grip point
Microstation Node = text insert
ESRI Arc = line
Autodesk Arc = semicircle

Not that it wouldn't be nice if they could concede and all agree to a standard. And I do see some backing away from "OLD HAT" positions of "that is how we always did it".
Certainly some points of the industry should be clarified and standardized as in your example (op) CRS, SRS, GCS, GPS :) should be differentiated.

