Stars and Bars representation
Here's one possibility:
With[{n = 4, k = 4},
StringJoin[Riffle[Table["*", {#}] & /@ #, "|"]] & /@ FrobeniusSolve[Table[1, {k}], n]]
{"|||****", "||*|***", "||**|**", "||***|*", "||****|", "|*||***", "|*|*|**", "|*|**|*",
"|*|***|", "|**||**", "|**|*|*", "|**|**|", "|***||*", "|***|*|", "|****||", "*|||***",
"*||*|**", "*||**|*", "*||***|", "*|*||**", "*|*|*|*", "*|*|**|", "*|**||*", "*|**|*|",
"*|***||", "**|||**", "**||*|*", "**||**|", "**|*||*", "**|*|*|", "**|**||", "***|||*",
"***||*|", "***|*||", "****|||"}
In a comment, Jim shows that you can use IntegerPartitions[]
+ Permutations[]
With[{n = 4, k = 4},
StringJoin[Riffle[Table["*", {#}] & /@ #, "|"]] & /@
Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[n + k, {k}] - 1, 1]]
which should yield the same result as above.
The OP also wanted to consider the case where empty slots are not allowed; a slight modification of Jim's suggestion does this. Using a different example:
With[{n = 7, k = 4},
StringJoin[Riffle[Table["*", {#}] & /@ #, "|"]] & /@
Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[n, {k}], 1]]
{"****|*|*|*", "*|****|*|*", "*|*|****|*", "*|*|*|****", "***|**|*|*", "***|*|**|*",
"***|*|*|**", "**|***|*|*", "**|*|***|*", "**|*|*|***", "*|***|**|*", "*|***|*|**",
"*|**|***|*", "*|**|*|***", "*|*|***|**", "*|*|**|***", "**|**|**|*", "**|**|*|**",
"**|*|**|**", "*|**|**|**"}
★'s and |'s with string manipulations. Use Method
to switch between "Positivity"
(default) and "Nonnegativity"
Options[starsAndBars] = {Method -> "Positivity"};
starsAndBars[n_Integer?Positive, k_Integer?Positive, opts : OptionsPattern[starsAndBars]] :=
Module[{ip = Switch[OptionValue[Method], "Positivity", {k}, "Nonnegativity", {1, k}]},
StringReplace[{", " -> "|", "0" -> "", num : NumberString :> StringRepeat["★", FromDigits@num]}]@
ToString /@
Permutations@*Flatten@{#, ConstantArray[0, k - Length@#]} & /@ IntegerPartitions[n, ip]
, 1]
, {2, -2}]
Under "Positivity"
starsAndBars[4, 3]
Under "Nonnegativity"
starsAndBars[4, 3, Method -> "Nonnegativity"]
{★★★★||,|★★★★|,||★★★★,★★★|★|,★★★||★, ★|★★★|,★||★★★,|★★★|★,|★|★★★,★★|★★|, ★★||★★,|★★|★★,★★|★|★,★|★★|★,★|★|★★}
Empty set under "Positivity"
with no solutions.
starsAndBars[4, 5, Method -> "Positivity"]
Hope this helps.