Starting a process with credentials from a Windows Service

When you launch a new process using ProcessStartInfo the process is started in the same window station and desktop as the launching process. If you are using different credentials then the user will, in general, not have sufficient rights to run in that desktop. The failure to initialize errors are caused when user32.dll attempts to initialize in the new process and can't.

To get around this you must first retrieve the security descriptors associated with the window station and desktop and add the appropriate permissions to the DACL for your user, then launch your process under the new credentials.

EDIT: A detailed description on how to do this and sample code was a little long for here so I put together an article with code.

        //The following security adjustments are necessary to give the new 
        //process sufficient permission to run in the service's window station
        //and desktop. This uses classes from the AsproLock library also from 
        IntPtr hWinSta = GetProcessWindowStation();
        WindowStationSecurity ws = new WindowStationSecurity(hWinSta,
        ws.AddAccessRule(new WindowStationAccessRule("LaunchProcessUser",
            WindowStationRights.AllAccess, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow));

        IntPtr hDesk = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
        DesktopSecurity ds = new DesktopSecurity(hDesk,
        ds.AddAccessRule(new DesktopAccessRule("LaunchProcessUser",
            DesktopRights.AllAccess, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow));

        EventLog.WriteEntry("Launching application.", EventLogEntryType.Information);

        using (Process process = Process.Start(psi))

Based on the answer by @Stephen Martin and Martin Prikryl.

This code helps you to run a process with different user credentials from a service.
I have now optimized the source code.
The removal and setting of rights is now also possible.

namespace QlikConnectorPSExecute
    #region Usings
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.AccessControl;
    using System.Security.Principal;

    //inspired by:
    public class WindowsGrandAccess : IDisposable
        #region DLL-Import
        // All the code to manipulate a security object is available in .NET framework,
        // but its API tries to be type-safe and handle-safe, enforcing a special implementation
        // (to an otherwise generic WinAPI) for each handle type. This is to make sure
        // only a correct set of permissions can be set for corresponding object types and
        // mainly that handles do not leak.
        // Hence the AccessRule and the NativeObjectSecurity classes are abstract.
        // This is the simplest possible implementation that yet allows us to make use
        // of the existing .NET implementation, sparing necessity to
        // P/Invoke the underlying WinAPI.

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern IntPtr GetProcessWindowStation();

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern IntPtr GetThreadDesktop(int dwThreadId);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();

        #region Variables && Properties
        public static int WindowStationAllAccess { get; private set; } = 0x000f037f;
        public static int DesktopRightsAllAccess { get; private set; } = 0x000f01ff;

        private GenericSecurity WindowStationSecurity {get; set;}
        private GenericSecurity DesktopSecurity { get; set; }
        private int? OldWindowStationMask { get; set; }
        private int? OldDesktopMask { get; set; }
        private NTAccount AccountInfo { get; set; }
        private SafeHandle WsSafeHandle { get; set; }
        private SafeHandle DSafeHandle { get; set; }

        #region Constructor & Dispose
        public WindowsGrandAccess(NTAccount accountInfo, int windowStationMask, int desktopMask)
            if (accountInfo != null)
                Init(accountInfo, windowStationMask, desktopMask);

        public void Dispose()
                if (AccountInfo == null)

                RestAccessMask(OldWindowStationMask, WindowStationAllAccess, WindowStationSecurity, WsSafeHandle);
                RestAccessMask(OldDesktopMask, DesktopRightsAllAccess, DesktopSecurity, DSafeHandle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception($"The object \"{nameof(WindowsGrandAccess)}\" could not be dispose.", ex);

        #region Methods
        private void Init(NTAccount accountInfo, int windowStationMask, int desktopMask)
            AccountInfo = accountInfo;

            WsSafeHandle = new NoopSafeHandle(GetProcessWindowStation());
            WindowStationSecurity = new GenericSecurity(false, ResourceType.WindowObject, WsSafeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

            DSafeHandle = new NoopSafeHandle(GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()));
            DesktopSecurity = new GenericSecurity(false, ResourceType.WindowObject, DSafeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

            OldWindowStationMask = ReadAccessMask(WindowStationSecurity, WsSafeHandle, windowStationMask);
            OldDesktopMask = ReadAccessMask(DesktopSecurity, DSafeHandle, desktopMask);

        private AuthorizationRuleCollection GetAccessRules(GenericSecurity security)
            return security.GetAccessRules(true, false, typeof(NTAccount));

        private int? ReadAccessMask(GenericSecurity security, SafeHandle safeHandle, int accessMask)
            var ruels = GetAccessRules(security);

            var username = AccountInfo.Value;
            if (!username.Contains("\\"))
                username = $"{Environment.MachineName}\\{username}";

            var userResult = ruels.Cast<GrantAccessRule>().SingleOrDefault(r => r.IdentityReference.Value.ToLower() == username.ToLower() && accessMask == r.PublicAccessMask);
            if (userResult == null)
                AddGrandAccess(security, accessMask, safeHandle);
                userResult = ruels.Cast<GrantAccessRule>().SingleOrDefault(r => r.IdentityReference.Value.ToLower() == username.ToLower());
                if (userResult != null)
                    return userResult.PublicAccessMask;
              return userResult.PublicAccessMask;

            return null;

        private void AddGrandAccess(GenericSecurity security, int accessMask, SafeHandle safeHandle)
            var rule = new GrantAccessRule(AccountInfo, accessMask, AccessControlType.Allow);
            security.Persist(safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

        private void RemoveGrantAccess(GenericSecurity security, int accessMask, SafeHandle safeHandle)
            var rule = new GrantAccessRule(AccountInfo, accessMask, AccessControlType.Allow);
            security.Persist(safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

        private void SetGrandAccess(GenericSecurity security, int accessMask, SafeHandle safeHandle)
            var rule = new GrantAccessRule(AccountInfo, accessMask, AccessControlType.Allow);
            security.Persist(safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

        private void RestAccessMask(int? oldAccessMask, int fullAccessMask, GenericSecurity security, SafeHandle safeHandle)
            if (oldAccessMask == null)
                RemoveGrantAccess(security, fullAccessMask, safeHandle);
            else if (oldAccessMask != fullAccessMask)
                SetGrandAccess(security, oldAccessMask.Value, safeHandle);

        #region private classes
        private class GenericSecurity : NativeObjectSecurity
            public GenericSecurity(
                bool isContainer, ResourceType resType, SafeHandle objectHandle,
                AccessControlSections sectionsRequested)
                : base(isContainer, resType, objectHandle, sectionsRequested) { }

            new public void Persist(SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections)
                base.Persist(handle, includeSections);

            new public void AddAccessRule(AccessRule rule)

            new public bool RemoveAccessRule(AccessRule rule)
                return base.RemoveAccessRule(rule);

            new public void SetAccessRule(AccessRule rule)

            new public AuthorizationRuleCollection GetAccessRules(bool includeExplicit, bool includeInherited, Type targetType)
                return base.GetAccessRules(includeExplicit, includeInherited, targetType);

            public override Type AccessRightType
                get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

            public override AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(
                System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference,
                int accessMask, bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags,
                PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AccessControlType type)
                return new GrantAccessRule(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type);

            public override Type AccessRuleType
                get { return typeof(AccessRule); }

            public override AuditRule AuditRuleFactory(
                System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference, int accessMask,
                bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags,
                PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AuditFlags flags)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            public override Type AuditRuleType
                get { return typeof(AuditRule); }

        private class GrantAccessRule : AccessRule
            public GrantAccessRule(IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, bool isInherited,
                                     InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags,
                                     AccessControlType type) :
                                     base(identity, accessMask, isInherited,
                                          inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) { }

            public GrantAccessRule(IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, AccessControlType type) :
                base(identity, accessMask, false, InheritanceFlags.None,
                     PropagationFlags.None, type) { }

            public int PublicAccessMask
                get { return base.AccessMask; }

        // Handles returned by GetProcessWindowStation and GetThreadDesktop should not be closed
        private class NoopSafeHandle : SafeHandle
            public NoopSafeHandle(IntPtr handle) :
                base(handle, false) {}

            public override bool IsInvalid
                get { return false; }

            protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
                return true;

Using Sample

using (var windowsAccess = new WindowsGrandAccess(accountInfo, WindowsGrandAccess.WindowStationAllAccess, WindowsGrandAccess.DesktopRightsAllAccess))

Thank you.

Based on the answer by @StephenMartin.

A new process launched using the Process class runs in the same window station and desktop as the launching process. If you are running the new process using different credentials, then the new process won't have permissions to access the window station and desktop. What results in errors like 0xC0000142.

The following is a "compact" standalone code to grant a user an access to the current window station and desktop. It does not require the AsproLock library.

Call the GrantAccessToWindowStationAndDesktop method with the username you use to run the Process (Process.StartInfo.UserName), before calling Process.Start.

public static void GrantAccessToWindowStationAndDesktop(string username)
    IntPtr handle;
    const int WindowStationAllAccess = 0x000f037f;
    handle = GetProcessWindowStation();
    GrantAccess(username, handle, WindowStationAllAccess);
    const int DesktopRightsAllAccess = 0x000f01ff;
    handle = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
    GrantAccess(username, handle, DesktopRightsAllAccess);

private static void GrantAccess(string username, IntPtr handle, int accessMask)
    SafeHandle safeHandle = new NoopSafeHandle(handle);
    GenericSecurity security =
        new GenericSecurity(
            false, ResourceType.WindowObject, safeHandle,

        new GenericAccessRule(
            new NTAccount(username), accessMask, AccessControlType.Allow));
    security.Persist(safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetProcessWindowStation();

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetThreadDesktop(int dwThreadId);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();

// All the code to manipulate a security object is available in .NET framework,
// but its API tries to be type-safe and handle-safe, enforcing a special
// implementation (to an otherwise generic WinAPI) for each handle type.
// This is to make sure only a correct set of permissions can be set
// for corresponding object types and mainly that handles do not leak.
// Hence the AccessRule and the NativeObjectSecurity classes are abstract.
// This is the simplest possible implementation that yet allows us to make use
// of the existing .NET implementation, sparing necessity to
// P/Invoke the underlying WinAPI.

private class GenericAccessRule : AccessRule
    public GenericAccessRule(
        IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, AccessControlType type) :
        base(identity, accessMask, false, InheritanceFlags.None,
             PropagationFlags.None, type)

private class GenericSecurity : NativeObjectSecurity
    public GenericSecurity(
        bool isContainer, ResourceType resType, SafeHandle objectHandle,
        AccessControlSections sectionsRequested)
        : base(isContainer, resType, objectHandle, sectionsRequested)

    new public void Persist(
        SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections)
        base.Persist(handle, includeSections);

    new public void AddAccessRule(AccessRule rule)

    #region NativeObjectSecurity Abstract Method Overrides

    public override Type AccessRightType
        get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    public override AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(
        System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference, 
        int accessMask, bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags,
        PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AccessControlType type)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override Type AccessRuleType
        get { return typeof(AccessRule); }

    public override AuditRule AuditRuleFactory(
        System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference,
        int accessMask, bool isInherited, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags,
        PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AuditFlags flags)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override Type AuditRuleType
        get { return typeof(AuditRule); }


// Handles returned by GetProcessWindowStation and GetThreadDesktop
// should not be closed
private class NoopSafeHandle : SafeHandle
    public NoopSafeHandle(IntPtr handle) :
        base(handle, false)

    public override bool IsInvalid
        get { return false; }

    protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
        return true;