Static constant string (class member)

In C++11 you can do now:

class A {
  static constexpr const char* STRING = "some useful string constant";

You have to define your static member outside the class definition and provide the initializer there.


// In a header file (if it is in a header file in your case)
class A {   
  static const string RECTANGLE;

and then

// In one of the implementation files
const string A::RECTANGLE = "rectangle";

The syntax you were originally trying to use (initializer inside class definition) is only allowed with integral and enum types.

Starting from C++17 you have another option, which is quite similar to your original declaration: inline variables

// In a header file (if it is in a header file in your case)
class A {   
  inline static const string RECTANGLE = "rectangle";

No additional definition is needed.