static means in java code example

Example 1: static in java

//Java Program to get the cube of a given number using the static method  
using static before a method or variable we can access it by not creating a 
instance of the program we directly used student.cube(5)
class Calculate{  
  static int cube(int x){  
  return x*x*x;  
  public static void main(String args[]){  
  int result=Calculate.cube(5);  

Example 2: static in java

static keyword is a non-access modifier. static keyword can be used with 
class level variable, block, method and inner class or nested class.

Example 3: static in java

static keyword: belongs to the class, also can be called through the class
static variable: declared outside any block with static keyword
static: runs first, only runs one time
static member:
1. static variables
2. static methods
3. static initializer block
4. static inner class(nested class)
static methods: methods that we can call it through the class name. 
  belongs to the class
Ex: Webdriver driver = WebdriverFactory.getDriver();
 *********  Static methods only accepts class member(static) ************
*********   None static can ONLY be called through the object ***********

Static only accept static. Anything not static you cannot call directly.
You can call Instance variable in Constructor.
You cannot call instance variable in static you have to create object first.
You can call non static (instance variable) in the instance block.
You can call static in the instance block
Static variable da last initialization will be final value.


Misc Example