std::promise set_value and thread safety

If it was not an atomic store, then two threads could simultaneously call promise::set_value, which does the following:

  1. check that the future is not ready (i.e., has a stored value or exception)
  2. store the value
    • mark the state ready
    • release anything blocking on the shared state becoming ready

By making this sequence atomic, the first thread to execute (1) gets all the way through to (3), and any other thread calling promise::set_value at the same time will fail at (1) and raise a future_error with promise_already_satisfied.

Without the atomicity, two threads could potentially store their value, and then one would successfully mark the state ready, and the other would raise an exception, i.e. the same result, except that it might be the value from the thread that saw an exception that got through.

In many cases that might not matter which thread 'wins', but when it does matter, without the atomicity guarantee you would need to wrap another mutex around the promise::set_value call. Other approaches such as compare-and-exchange wouldn't work because you can't check the future (unless it's a shared_future) to see if your value won or not.

When it doesn't matter which thread 'wins', you could give each thread its own future, and use std::experimental::when_any to collect the first result that happened to become available.

Edit after some historical research:

Although the above (two threads using the same promise object) doesn't seem like a good use-case, it was certainly envisaged by one of the contemporary papers of the introduction of future to C++: N2744. This paper proposed a couple of use-cases which had such conflicting threads calling set_value, and I'll quote them here:

Second, consider use cases where two or more asynchronous operations are performed in parallel and "compete" to satisfy the promise. Some examples include:

  • A sequence of network operations (e.g. request a web page) is performed in conjunction with a wait on a timer.
  • A value may be retrieved from multiple servers. For redundancy, all servers are tried but only the first value obtained is needed.

In both examples, the first asynchronous operation to complete is the one that satisfies the promise. Since either operation may complete second, the code for both must be written to expect that calls to set_value() may fail.

I've never seen a use case where multiple threads might call std::promise::set_value(), and even if they did, all but one would cause a std::future_error exception to be thrown.

You missed the whole idea of promises and futures.

Usually, we have a pair of promise and a future. the promise is the object you push the asynchronous result or the exception, and the future is the object you pull the asynchronous result or the exception.

Under most cases, the future and the promise pair do not reside on the same thread, (otherwise we would use a simple pointer). so, you might pass the promise to some thread, threadpool, or some third library asynchronous function, and set the result from there, and pull the result in the caller thread.

setting the result with std::promise::set_value must be atomic, not because many promises set the result, but because an object (the future) which resides on another thread must read the result, and doing it un-atomically is undefined behavior, so setting the value and pulling it (either by calling std::future::get or std::future::then) must happen atomically

Remember, every future and promise has a shared state, setting the result from one thread updates the shared state, and getting the result reads from the shared state. like every shared state/memory in C++, when it's done from multiple threads, the update/reading must happen under a lock. otherwise it's undefined behavior.