Stepper mottor library A4988 code example

Example: Stepper mottor library A4988

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

# import the library
from RpiMotorLib import RpiMotorLib
#define GPIO pins
GPIO_pins = (14, 15, 18) # Microstep Resolution MS1-MS3 -> GPIO Pin
direction= 20       # Direction -> GPIO Pin
step = 21      # Step -> GPIO Pin

# Declare an named instance of class pass GPIO pins numbers
mymotortest = RpiMotorLib.A4988Nema(direction, step, GPIO_pins, "A4988")

# call the function, pass the arguments
mymotortest.motor_go(False, "Full" , 100, .01, False, .05)

# good practise to cleanup GPIO at some point before exit


Misc Example