str_replace in Twig

When we add a single quote inside a single quote then we face the error.

solution for that:-

{{description|replace({"\'": "&#039"})|raw }}

Also, this could be useful for getting rid of (utf-8) language chars...


To replace a string which is stored in twig variables:

{% set twig_content_variable= 'Testing to replace content'%}
{% set replace_value_var= 'Testing' %}
{% set replace_with_value_var = 'Testing complete' %} 

{{ twig_content_variable|replace({ (replace_value_var): replace_with_value_var }) }}

Use this to replace | with - and replace , width .:

{{age|replace({'|': "-", "," : "."})}}

Example input 31|60, comes out as 31-60.