Strange issue with variables in a config-file cmake package
Oops. This is embarrassing. I'd moved the generation code into a shell script and forgot to escape the variables!
cat - >CMakeLists.txt <<EOF
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project(useFoo VERSION 1.2.3)
find_package(FoobarLib ${MIN_FOOBARLIB_VERSION}
HINTS "${WSDIR}/opt/foo"
PATHS /opt/foo
message(STATUS "Foobar library version: ${FOOBARLIB_VERSION}")
message(STATUS "Foobar library location: ${FOOBARLIB_LIB_DIR}")
message(STATUS "FoobarLib_FOUND=${FoobarLib_FOUND}")
message(STATUS "FoobarLib_PATH=${FOOBARLIB_PATH}")
message(STATUS "FoobarLib_DIR=${FoobarLib_DIR}")
message(STATUS "FOOBARLIB_DIR=${FoobarLib_DIR}")
file(GENERATE OUTPUT foobar-loc CONTENT "<TARGET_FILE:foobar>=$<TARGET_FILE:foobar>\n")
The question is still useful for providing source for the related question though.
To answer my own questions:
How can I find this problem? Avoid similar problems in the future? Create these files in a safe and canonical way?
- Reduce the problem to a minimum reproducible example (preferably before posting on stack overflow)
- Avoid (or at least take extra care) generating code from shell scripts
- Reduce stress and get more sleep