Stream Way to get index of first element matching boolean

You can try StreamEx library made by Tagir Valeev. That library has a convenient #indexOf method.

This is a simple example:

List<User> users = asList(new User("Vas"), new User("Innokenty"), new User("WAT"));
long index = StreamEx.of(users)
        .indexOf(user ->"Innokenty"))

Occasionally there is no pythonic zipWithIndex in java. So I came across something like that:

OptionalInt indexOpt = IntStream.range(0, users.size())
     .filter(i -> searchName.equals(users.get(i)))

Alternatively you can use zipWithIndex from protonpack library


That solution may be time-consuming if users.get is not constant time operation.

Using Guava library: int index = Iterables.indexOf(users, u -> searchName.equals(u.getName()))

Try This:

IntStream.range(0, users.size())
    .filter(userInd-> users.get(userInd).getName().equals(username))