String and ASCII

Jelly, 4 bytes




OSBS - Main link: s     e.g. "abcDeFAaB"
O    - ordinal (vectorises)  [97, 98, 99, 68, 101, 70, 65, 97, 66]
 S   - sum                   761
  B  - binary                [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
   S - sum                   7

Python3, 46 40 bytes

lambda s:bin(sum(map(ord,s))).count("1")

R, 65 53 43 42 bytes

Counting the number of 1s in a binary representation is calculating the Hamming weight of a number, a common procedure in cryptanalysis. There's an R package boolfun, described in this journal article, which handily has a function weight which computes the Hamming weight of any (base 10) integer. That makes our job a lot easier! The rest of the code just sums over the integer representation of STDIN, before sending that to weight.


As an added bonus, this code works for UTF-8 as well as ASCII. There are 7 ones in the binary representation of the sum of 高尔夫 (that's golf in Mandarin).

A note for those playing along at home: unfortunately, boolfun is no longer hosted on CRAN, so if you don't already have it installed you'll have to do it manually with install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source"), rather than install.packages(boolfun).

If you really don't want to use boolfun, you can achieve the same result with only two more bytes:
