string index code example
Example 1: python string indexing
str = 'codegrepper'
# str[start:end:step]
#by default: start = 0, end = len(str), step = 1
print(str[:]) #codegrepper
print(str[::]) #codegrepper
print(str[5:]) #repper
print(str[:8]) #codegrep
print(str[::2]) #cdgepr
print(str[2:8]) #degrep
print(str[2:8:2]) #dge
#step < 0 : reverse
print(str[::-1]) #reppergedoc
print(str[::-3]) #rpgo
# str[start:end:-1] means start from the end, go backward and stop at start
print(str[8:3:-1]) #pperg
Example 2: python index of string
string = "Hello World"
string_slice = string[1:10] # "ello Worl" (index 1 up to 10)
string_last_chars = string[-5:] # "World" (5th index from last to the end)
H = string[0] # "H"
Example 3: python string index of
sentence = 'Python programming is fun.'
result = sentence.index('is fun')
print("Substring 'is fun':", result)
result = sentence.index('Java')
print("Substring 'Java':", result)
Example 4: string index
s = 'Hello'
len(s) ## 5
## Chars are numbered starting with 0
s[0] ## 'H'
s[1] ## 'e'
s[4] ## 'o' -- last char is at length-1
s[5] ## ERROR, index out of bounds
Example 5: python string index od
str.index(sub[, start[, end]] )