Strip() Function Using Regex

I slightly changed your script like this,

def strip(char, string):
    if char == "":                # not "stripChar"
        regsp = re.compile(r'^\s+|\s+$')
        stripContext = regsp.sub("", context)
        return stripContext
    else:                       # some changes are here in this else statement
        stripContext = re.sub(r'^{}+|{}+$'.format(char,char), "", strip("",string))
        return stripContext

print(strip(stripChar, context))


Enter character to strip: e
Enter string to strip:   efdsafdsaeeeeeeeeee

You could do it like this using re.sub

import re

def strip(string, chars=' \n\r\t'):
    return re.sub(r'(?:^[{chars}]+)|(?:[{chars}]+$)'.format(chars=re.escape(chars)), '', string)

It uses re.escape, so users can enter characters like \ and [ that have meaning withing regex strings. It also uses the ^ and $ regex tokens so that only groups of matching characters at the front and end of the string are matched.

I did it that simple way and it worked for me.

import re

def my_strip(string, char=''):
    regex_sub = re.sub(r'^\s+|\s+$', char, string)


